Ruger's M77 Hawkeye Compact Rifle - 6.8 SPC
The Ruger M77 Hawkeye Compact Rifle is one of those guns where extracting it from the open end of a shipping carton takes a lot less time than expected. In fact, the rifle is so compact (How compact is it, Joe) it might be the basis for a new category […] [Read More]
Improving your outlook - Alternative Sights for the P229 SIG
The SIG P229 is an exceptional pistol. High in quality, reliable and accurate, all in a solid compact package. I shoot mine with both .357 SIG and .40 S&W barrels. In all of the time I’ve used the P229 I’ve never had a jam, and I’ve fed through virtually every […] [Read More]
New Products for 2002
Winchester Uncoiless Rifle Winchester, committed to the short rifle – fat cartridge concept, announced its new “Uncoiless” rifle. Under normal carry conditions, the rifle will has a barrel length of 20″, however, this extends to a more useful 32″ when the gun is fired. The barrel’s flexibility is attributed to […] [Read More]
Bench Mounted APS Priming
I noticed priming isn’t always that easy to accomplish in a progressive reloading press, particularly when trying to concentrate on a powder measure that isn’t dropping charges cleanly, or cases that require a little extra leverage at a resizing station. That primer seating “feel” can be lost to all of […] [Read More]
Christmas Trains
I don’t know what it is about trains that draws an association with Christmas. Maybe it’s the old notion that trains reunite families, and trains lead to adventure and exploration. The association may not even be about trains, or railroads, maybe only model trains. It’s fun to build those complex […] [Read More]
"Big" just keep getting bigger.............. Part IV ...Loads for the 7 mm RM and the .338-378 WM - Conclusion
I went back and read the article I wrote on the Weatherby .338-378, where I described it as “a rifle with moderate recoil”. What the heck was I thinking about ? Just got back from the range, 4 hours of fun and sun, resulting in a bruise on my shoulder […] [Read More]
"Big" just keeps getting bigger.............. loads for the 7 mm RM and the .338-378 WM - Part I
I’ve been dragging my 7 mm RM around for almost 15 years. It’s aRemington 700BDL with a 24″ barrel and a really funky Tasco “distance estimator” 3X9 scope. With inexpensive Remington Core-Lokt® ammo, it can shoot 3/4″ 100 yard groups all day long and the discount store scope has the […] [Read More]
Useful Gadgets and Future Garage Sale Fodder
I buy a lot of gun related stuff; rarely expensive, frequently for a special purpose and, mostly unable to stand the test of time for usefulness. I’ll buy a product with great, but not quite specific sense of purpose, I’ll force myself to use the item at least once, then […] [Read More]
SIG or Colt ?
Not directly related to this week’s column “SIG or Colt ?”, but I wanted to take a moment to thank Dave Davison over at CH/4D for being able to do what no other reloading equipment supplier has been able to do for the past 8 weeks, provide next day delivery […] [Read More]
Extending Cartridge Case Life
Cartridge brass is pretty remarkable. Factory ammo is routinely exposed to pressures above 70,000 psi, at chamber temperatures high enough to erode the throat of a stainless steel barrel, while the brass receives only partial support from a chamber / breech face sandwich. For those of us who handload, that […] [Read More]