I know this sounds odd, but I think I’ve just found the most cost effective way to improve the quality of my reloads – I put a new top on my reloading bench. I began noticing that simple operations like removing spent primers, or taper crimping assembled rounds was getting […]
Feature Articles
Workshop Decompression...a lathe arrival
I was pleasantly surprised by the condition of the lathe crates when UPS dropped them off. Only one splintered protective board, one slightly suspicious hole through the top right side and no damage to the goods inside. Our local Sunnyvale UPS damage rate was running a consistent 70%, 7 out […]
SAAMI, QuickLoad, lever action rifles and other curiosities....
There are two questions I receive with some frequency 1. What are the pressure signs to look for when loading widely accepted, yet highly suspected, high pressure .45-70 loads in the 1895 Marlin ? 2. When do I anticipate developing some class ? I thought I would attempt to address […]
Alternative Metal Finishes II
When I raced cars, I’d spend endless hours building and refining the motion parts, but spent not a minute improving the aesthetics of the package. Consequently, my cars were fast, but they looked like flying refuse. Refining, refurbishing and refinishing are games of patience and skill, in fact, there may […]
Alternative Metal Finishes - Part I
‘ve owned some of my firearms for so long, they have become a part of my personal history. I try to use them as frequently as possible, and I hate when they fall into a state of disrepair. One such rifle is a 42 year old Mohawk Brown Remington Nylon […]
Ruger's M77 Hawkeye Compact Rifle - 6.8 SPC
The Ruger M77 Hawkeye Compact Rifle is one of those guns where extracting it from the open end of a shipping carton takes a lot less time than expected. In fact, the rifle is so compact (How compact is it, Joe) it might be the basis for a new category […]
Improving your outlook - Alternative Sights for the P229 SIG
The SIG P229 is an exceptional pistol. High in quality, reliable and accurate, all in a solid compact package. I shoot mine with both .357 SIG and .40 S&W barrels. In all of the time I’ve used the P229 I’ve never had a jam, and I’ve fed through virtually every […]
New Products for 2002
Winchester Uncoiless Rifle Winchester, committed to the short rifle – fat cartridge concept, announced its new “Uncoiless” rifle. Under normal carry conditions, the rifle will has a barrel length of 20″, however, this extends to a more useful 32″ when the gun is fired. The barrel’s flexibility is attributed to […]
Bench Mounted APS Priming
I noticed priming isn’t always that easy to accomplish in a progressive reloading press, particularly when trying to concentrate on a powder measure that isn’t dropping charges cleanly, or cases that require a little extra leverage at a resizing station. That primer seating “feel” can be lost to all of […]
Christmas Trains
I don’t know what it is about trains that draws an association with Christmas. Maybe it’s the old notion that trains reunite families, and trains lead to adventure and exploration. The association may not even be about trains, or railroads, maybe only model trains. It’s fun to build those complex […]